
Students, Teachers & Industry Professioinals
Industry Professionals

“I’m not here to get paid, I’m not here for money, I’m here for one thing and one thing only. I believe in what they teach, I believe in it. There are commonalities the greatest players have always shared and they’re being missed in today’s instruction and they’re being missed by a wide mark. What you’re doing is correcting golf instruction, bringing it back to it’ original roots. Things that have been taught for thousands of years in martial arts and other sports but not in golf until you."


“I’ve seen every form of instruction, this is not only revolutionary but refreshing. Like Brandel, I’m not getting a dime for this, you can check my bank account. I believe as Brandel believes in this."


“This is terrific! I am a believer in sport-to-sport transfer of learning and it does it beautifully. This program is a winner for sure!”


“This is a new and revolutionary concept of learning that helps average golfers as well as the very accomplished understand how to swing a club effectively.”


“The unique training program is a great benefit to many of our members.”


“This program doesn’t just allow someone to play better golf, it allows them to stay injury free and become healthier.”


“I’ve been blown away by the feedback and results I’m already seeing from my students. One of my students that had never broken 100, shot 88 after 2 weeks of using the training. You just don't see that, truly remarkable.”


“I am so excited for what you're doing. I recommend this training to everyone serious about getting better.”

Online Academy

"I would recommend the Online Program as it helped me lower my handicap from 9 to 4.7 during the past year. It's been over 50 years since I played college golf. After being retired and having the opportunity to play 3-4 times a week (without significant improvement) your program almost immediately improved my game. Have now shot my age 19 times and wish I knew then what I know now!"


"I'm currently a 7 handicap, would love to get down to a 2 or a 3. I love your program, I did it and for the first time in my life shot under par after just about 6 weeks of training with you!"


"I've been enjoying the online videos, they are absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much. I am so impressed with the videos. This is the best golf instruction I've ever had."


"I love your stuff. I hit 15 greens yesterday. I want to use your training for my students as it's the best I've ever experienced."


"I've taken a lot of lessons over the years, but this is the first time that I can honestly say that I'm starting to hit irons the way that they are supposed to. Thanks again for all of your help."


"I just want to say thank you for the analysis. Can’t believe how in depth that was. Just awesome. You touched on everything I hoped you would. Definitely have some work to do but glad to have a roadmap to get started. I will literally be hitting the range tonight to try and implement some of what you shared. I really appreciate your time."


"Thanks so much. I’m blown away by the detail you’ve provided... it’s just tremendous information. I think my major takeaway is that if I can stay centered it’ll make a major difference in my overall swing. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions after being able to digest the videos. You’ve made 76 year old guy very happy. Thanks again, Paul"


"This is all great! The amount of information you’ve sent is awesome. Your commentary on the DTL and face on videos is all understandable and I can now see how off some of my body/face lines were a bit off. My swing right now seems a bit dependent on timing, and I look forward to being able to reproduce something a bit more consistent... I’ll have a bit more time to practice once school ends in a week, and I’ll look to send a follow-up video around this time (once I have had a decent amount of time to go through the training drills). Right now I feel hand path on the backswing and maintaining tilt through impact seem like the easiest things to fix. As far as the lateral movement on the downswing, your explanation has definitely cleared up some confusion around this area of the swing. I’ve always been under impression that the optimal move in transition is the separation of the knees followed by a subsequent “pushing off” of the hips… as I see now this has caused me to develop this dumped under position as well as a lack of shoulder tilt through impact. Very enlightening! All in all, thank you so much for such a thorough analysis. I look forward to working through these drills and subsequently following up with an updating swing. All the best, Peter"


"I am a new member to your online program. I wanted to let you know that the material you’re posting has really helped turn around my game. I'll give you some background: I am 54 years old and picked up the game at age 6. I grew up across the street from Eastmoreland Golf Course in Portland and spent my childhood playing golf and working at the course. I played in Oregon Junior events for years and played high school golf at Cleveland High School. I went on to play Junior College golf in Arizona, but didn't excel. My best golf was in the 90's qualifying for the 91 US Publinx hosted at Eastmoreland and 98 Publinx hosted at Torrey Pines. Obviously golf has been a big part of my life. After having 3 kids late in life my golf game has deteriorated. Obviously, I haven't had time to play and practice, but I have lost the key fundamentals for good golf shooting in the mid 80s and recently completely melting down with even worse scores. However, I have decided that I am NOT done with golf and will work hard to get my game back. I have been an on line member since November and I have been watching videos and want to tell you that there is one drill that has helped me big time. The 2 tees under the armpit drill has helped me release through the ball and I have improved dramatically with my driver. I wanted to tell you I played golf Wednesday at a course I hadn't played before slope 132/71.7 and shot 72 with 4 birdies and 4 bogeys. It's been years since I have posted such a score! I am thrilled and excited to keep working on my game. I can't wait for your short game drills and other strategy videos to be posted. I have a goal to qualify for the US Senior Amateur as I will be 55 this year. I am ready to work hard to make it happen. Thanks and can't wait to continue to play the best golf of my life. Best Regards."


"In just the few days I’ve had the training videos I feel like I’m doing the things I need to do to build a repeatable swing that will produce good results. I’ve played two rounds and am already striking it better than I have all season."


"Just wanted to let you know my swing is feeling great after a couple of weeks of online training!"

60-Day Program

“My son, Teal, got me the program for Christmas. I'm currently on day 38... best Christmas gift ever! Teal and I were in St Louis this weekend for the NCAA wresting championships. Outside the Scott trade center (home of the St Louis Blues) is a statue of NHL hall-of-famer Allan McInnis in a pose, I snapped this photograph Teal in front of the bronze yesterday. It's is the best instructional golf program ever!”


“My friend of 45 years said he never saw me hit the ball that well for 18 holes. I couldn’t be happier and I'm only on Day 28. I have recommended this program to every golfer I know. You gave given new life in this 65 year old body.”


“I don't know if they've posted a telephone number. All I can tell you is that the program is legit. Everything about the company is above board and they've got a really strong product. I generally don't spend a lot of time endorsing products, but this one has earned my respect. You've invested a tremendous amount of time and effort to come up with a product that works in a field where so many other have failed. I like to encourage companies that do things well. After 30 days and many buckets on the range, I'm in the mid 80's and still improving. My distance hasn't improved (I hit 275 with the driver, 160 with a 7 iron including roll) but my accuracy and consistency has improved dramatically. I used to have a significant draw. Now I fade the ball 2-yards with a full 7 iron. The program is sound and you WILL see an improvement IF you follow. the program. I have zero affiliation with this company. Cheers”


“I am extremely skeptical of golf training videos and training aids after the elevator ride my handicap has been on the last 18 years! After a “straight shootin’ golf” video series disaster and split grip training aid to fix the straight shootin’ disaster I was done with all that and getting back to the basics. Which has worked me back to a 12.3 hdcp. So I was very reluctant but intrigued when I saw the ads! 17 days ago I pulled the trigger and could not be more satisfied! I played golf 2 days ago and my ball striking was the best its ever been. I shot 76 on a course where my previous best was 82. I am barely past a quarter of the way done and I can’t wait to see whats out in front of me when I have completed my 60 days. I recommend this to all levels of golfers. It will only make you better!”days and many buckets on the range, I'm in the mid 80's and still improving. My distance hasn't improved (I hit 275 with the driver, 160 with a 7 iron including roll) but my accuracy and consistency has improved dramatically. I used to have a significant draw. Now I fade the ball 2-yards with a full 7 iron. The program is sound and you WILL see an improvement IF you follow. the program. I have zero affiliation with this company. Cheers”


“The program is truly amazing. Am just about to start day 31. Have had a lot of golf instruction in my life (am 59 and been playing since 18) and can say with absolute certainty that this is the most impactful.”


“You offer the BEST value in TOP QUALITY golf instruction in the world. If someone wants to dedicate themselves to getting better and will put in the time, there is really NO other online instruction that even comes close to what you offer. I know this is a labor or love for you and you should be congratulated on a job well done.”


“After spending a month training with my coach and the program, I felt my swing getting more stable, stronger, consistent, and controlling the club face through impact felt much easier. All of this helped me recently when I almost broke a scoring record and won an AJGA tournament. I’m really excited to keep working the 60-Day Program into my training and seeing how much more my game can improve!”


“It has made the game of golf more fun than it has ever been in 50 years. First time playing golf since beginning the program... Hit some great feeling shots especially PW 116 yards for a hole-in-one. That probably was the best feeling swing all day. I was very impressed with my short iron play. On that hole in years past it was a soft eight iron or hard nine iron. More distance now... “


“I am on day 17. Very interesting & informative even at age 72.”


“The swing fundamentals so far outlined have had several similarities to those described by, Jimmy Ballard, in "How to Perfect Your Golf Swing", but your teaching method is much more effective. After being a little hesitant at first, I am now excited about my progress and totally committed. Thanks again.”


“This is just amazing. You are just brilliant. I have been stuck at handicap 18 for a long time and just doing your first 7 lessons I played today and I have never ever hit the ball so sweetly. Group playing with me said I should be a 10 handicap.”


“I can without a doubt demonstrate that after completing only 28 days of the Program, my mental strength as well as Club Speed, Smash Factor, Spin Rate, Launch Angle(s), Face-to-Path, Landing Angle, DISTANCE, have improved exponentially according to my Trackman 4. Your program is DEAD SOLID and I applaud your courage in producing it. I simply CANNOT thank you enough for FINALLY explaining this game in a standardized extremely easy to understand, eliminating the traditional guesswork involved in my previous lessons. It seems I am answering, “how did you get SO GOOD so fast” on a daily basis.”


“I am a 23-year old male, 13.0 index, from Philadelphia, PA. I’m starting Day 37 today. I want to say how immensely pleased I am with the 60-day program. I am absolutely blown away by the amount of info with which you fill these videos, yet how simple and easy to understand it all is.”


“Finished the last 13 holes at 1 over par for a round of 79. First time I have broken 80. In fact, I’ve only broken 85 three times. My best score this year before today was 85. My best score all time was three years ago at 83.”


"The course is truly outstanding value for what you pay for. The most helpful part of the program to me was the teaching on “pressure in the golf swing. It uses the same training techniques a martial artist will use to maximize force in swinging a sword or breaking a brick with your hand. This is simply not taught in traditional golf instruction."


"I believe I have learned MUCH more with these lessons than I ever have at the 4 different golf schools I attended in Florida, California, and Arizona, at about 1% of the total cost of these 4 golf schools.”


“Your process and the way you communicate, it sets a new standard in the field.”


“I have to tell you that I spent some time at the range yesterday and never hit shots so consistent, far and balanced as I did. Unbelievable!”


"The precise matter in which the information is presented and the detailed explanation of the thinking behind the movements is unlike anything else in golf training. I was initially uncertain about a training routine that did not include hitting golf balls. Now, at day 20, I get it. In fact, not being distracted by where the ball goes is a huge plus..."


“Currently, on Day 23 and this section is very intriguing to me. Pressuring the entire body is just something that is not taught, but Bryan's correlation between the golf swing and using a samurai sword makes total sense to me.”


“I can honestly say I have not previously experienced such an innovative, comprehensive learning experience - and I look forward to many years of much better and more enjoyable golf. Now, having just completed chapter two, I am now in the positions I have aspired to for so many years, with stability, control, strength, and flexibility. I can't thank you enough for this teaching, and look forward to the remainder of the program with anticipation of continued improvement, confidence and enjoyment."


“I also want to tell you how thrilled I am to have been able to participate in this program. I have learned more in 60 days thru this than I have in my 20 years of playing golf. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This has been an awakening and genuine addition to the pleasure of my life.”


“I have taken lessons for a number of years and have learned more in 20 days in chapters 1 and 2.”


“I completely see how pressure is the glue that holds the swing together. Just shot a career low round, Even par, in my weekly league and I'm an 11 handicap. Pressure was the missing element from all parts of my game.”


“To say that I am thrilled with what is happening would be an understatement. As I’ve matured from 60 to 74 years old I’ve gone from an 8 handicap to a weak 17. Just finishing chapter 1 and the couple sore spots that come and go are nothing compared to the improvements in ball striking that has been achieved in so little time.”


“This training is so different from anything I have ever learned...the body movements are resonating with me and I had my best round of the year on this 4th of July — I am a 21 and I shot 89.”


“I hit balls each day and the improvement is already amazing. So much of golf instruction is just plain confusing and counter intuitive. The movements are the best thing in golf since the Hogan book.”


“Very interesting process... we have all heard the “greats” say golf is a game built from the ground up. You know what it is? That is the amazing part of this program. Ball striking and distance have improved.”


“First time in 4-5 years. Can't recall exactly. Broke 80 with a 75. Solid 75. It's worth it if you want to be a more complete golfer at whatever level you may be at. Thanks to the entire T team.”


“Cannot wait to get to the next lesson! Best training series ever. There is no word or words to describe how this can change every aspect of The Game of Golf. I started learning to play in 1941, 75 years later there is still something missing until now. I’m not sure I would have continued pursuing my lifelong dream, I’ve never been more excited. The opportunity is overwhelming, thanks!”


“I have been training since Oct 2015. I was a 13 handicap and am now down to a 7.4. Best of all, I play in the Golf Channel Amateur Tour and have won 6 events so far this year.”


"After only the first chapter, I’ve shot the best round of my life (67) and qualified for the State Am for the first time! Swing feels the best it ever has!"


“To date this year, I am playing the best golf of my life with almost no thinking about my golf swing. I have been going lower with my scores this year and should be on the plus side the next time the handicaps are calculated. I am not afraid of "going low" anymore. I don't worry that a good stretch inevitably must be followed by a let down."


“I just completed day 23. It has been years since I have hit shots so crisp. I was hesitant at first but by the third hole I knew that I knew what I was doing and had all the confidence in the world. I realized I was trained. I knew what to do. This has been great!!!!”


“I just finished day 27, I’m 69 years old and went out yesterday and shot my first sub 90 ever on a course I usually shoot in the low 100’s.”


"Thank you!! I am a significantly better player now.”


“My driver went from an average of 250-260, to 280-290. I have even hit a couple of 320 plus drives. The feeling is amazing and my confidence and sense of purpose is thru the roof.”


“Just finished day one. Confirms my long held beliefs concerning how athletic a golf swing should be. Outstanding start....Just finished Day 7. Practiced and walked 9 yesterday; remarkable day of ball-striking. Just tried to feel and incorporate the setup and body movements we've discussed so far...I have this feeling of wholeness or oneness instead of "position" golf. Seems like a new depth of understanding the game... Thanks guys, for this challenging and insightful way to open up to new possibilities. All of this has been there all along, that's part of why I know it's so right.”


“Interesting...I just went from a R to an A shaft. After 6 days have definitely picked up distance, the ball even sounds different off the club. Prior a good drive was carrying 190-195, now I would say 215-220. 7 iron 125-130 now 135-140. Is difficult to put a number on it, Central, FL has been windy. Will have to re-calibrate all my distances and maybe replace my 1 month old clubs but there are worst problems!”


“I have just finished day 3. I am 69 and my goal is to shoot my age. I have a 14 handicap. My experience so far is wonderful. Not only am I striking the ball more solidly and consistently, but I can feel muscle development and a difference in my approach to every shot. I'm VERY excited!”


“Wow. My thanks to the entire staff for a brilliantly conceived and wonderfully executed way to day by day integrate principles based on martial arts and the swings of the greatest golfers in history. There is a better way to learn the game of golf. To find it for yourself purchase and enjoy the beautiful creation that is the 60-Day Program.”


“I have dozens of videos and books and I have viewed hundreds of YouTubes and they hold no interest for me anymore; I really feel your program is the best for improving this game. Thank you so much. I have made great gains and have impressed my playing partners. Each time I go through the program I seem to gain more and more knowledge.”


“At day 32 into your program, I went out for my 8th round and shot a 69 with 5 birdies. The new swing was working great! I was hitting more fairways and hitting it longer. I haven't shot a 69 in three years... my low score at my home course.”


"I have been through 5 videos. Prior to the 60-day program, I would hit shots on trackman 230 to 245 yards. Last night, I went to the same trackman machine and was shocked. My lowest numbers were 245 and some were as high as 275-280!"


“This whole program is terrific. I'm 75 and my left hip was replaced two+ years ago, even so I have picked up distance and accuracy. Golf is fun again, thanks.The putting method has cured all my putting problems. One of my friends asked me if I had seen a putting psychologist.”


“This money has been well spent with the most detailed swing training I have ever seen.”


“Hit balls for the first time after getting through Day 47. It was nice to stand in the bay knowing what I needed to do and not guessing, or trying to incorporate some swing thought I read about. Did a lot of the various body and arm movements in between shots. I felt I had a blueprint to follow and nothing else cluttered the mind. I was extremely happy with the results.”


“I've always wondered why this approach to learning how to swing wasn't used in golf. They use this in Korea and the kids who learn this way are supposed to be pretty phenomenal...Just look at the Korean women on the LPGA.”


“I've never come across such an excellent explanation which ties it all together and clarifies exactly what is going on during the swing. Plus I'm now up to day 51 and have found his concept of applying his swing model to the short game very enlightening.”


“I am a 78 year-old student on day 14, this is the best way to train that has ever been taught in Golf.”


“I just shot my personal best of 81. The coolest thing is I feel I have room to improve and a methodology to make that improvement happen. This is exciting. Thanks again.”


“I am a 57 year old woman and a novice golfer. I am at day 14 and every day, my confidence and performance is skyrocketing. I have even had multiple compliments from experienced golfers on my form while driving.”


“I started playing golf 9 years ago when I retired. My index hovers around 11. I finally understand how to use the ground for leverage. When I played Tennis is was automatic to use the ground. I'm on day 15 and look forward to each day.”


“Love what I am learning and completely engrossed in the instruction. I encourage all who make this investment to learn to stay the course and know the results will come along with the effort invested.”


“Just starting on Day 15 and things are starting to come together. STAY WITH IT AND GIVE IT TIME! It's a PROCESS. It's REPETITION. It trains the body, then the hands and arms. I'm only a quarter of the way through this but I am completely committed.”


“How this works I have no idea, but I'm just over the moon with the results. I'm actually having to recalibrate all my irons on my home course as I keep hitting over or to the very back of greens. Allowing this freedom on the through-swing has made it much easier for me to reach the finish position he's after, with a consequent gain in distance (certainly 1 club so far ), yet somehow with a better quality of strike and no loss of accuracy."


“It’s a great program to make a real swing change. It helped me find the last piece to my puzzle a couple months ago when I went thru it. Good luck, I highly recommend this program. I’m in my early 40s and you really can change your swing because I did if you put the time in with a program like this that shows you how to really move. You go slow and eventually learn to add speed to it. I don't even think about my swing it’s just so well trained it happens.”


“Just did day 21 which I found to be a pivotal day because now the prior 20 days get put together.”


“Also, I know it's is a lot of money. However, the amount of content in these lessons is CRAZY. The amount of work that went into this program is unlike a lot of things you see.”


“First off, the first week I did has helped my game more than a years worth of lessons.”


“I would like to take the time to tell you how excited I am so far through this portion of the program. The pressure series really brought it all together.”


“So far, what I've felt is that all of the time and work going into my golf training is also flowing into my overall health and well-being.”


“I’m 13 days into the 60-day program and I won my Club Championship today. This is the best info on the golf swing I’ve ever seen.”


“I really believe this is the best money I've ever spent on instruction, the amount of quality material you get for the price."


“This is the way golf should be taught!! The club can’t do what the body won’t allow.”


“7 days in and I'm very impressed by this program so far. I really believe this is the best money I've ever spent on instruction, the amount of quality material you get is unmatched. The best thing is that everything just makes plain common sense - no convoluted moves, nothing unorthodox, no secrets.”


“Finalized Day 50 which was the last day of the Short Game Module. I cannot believe that I hesitated to paying for this program! Yesterday I had 4 birdies in a row which was a first for me. I think that a big contributor was the mental exercises that are included in the program. I am determined to do exactly as the program says. And it is working. Handicap dropping and hitting the ball better than ever.”


“Training starting to show. 67, ties my best round.”


“The information in the first day video is alone worth the price!"


“Everything about Tathata Golf is impressive... and the responsiveness of the support office is a part of that excellence. The use of the technology, the philosophy of the program, and the delivery of the content are all very exciting!!!”


“A female student of mine who had never broken 80 before recently started the program. After just 15 days, she broke 80 for the first time, shooting 72! That doesn’t happen in golf.”


"After only the first chapter, I’ve shot the best round of my life (67) and qualified for the State Am for the first time! Swing feels the best it ever has!"


“I’m on Day 27 now. It’s all starting to come together for me.”


“After a week of training, I broke 100 for the first time!”


"The 60 Day program is a true gift to all people. It assures you at every step just how powerful and sure your swing can be.”


“I’m 72 years old. 13 handicap. Through 7 days and already shot my best score of the year, 80.”


“Great product! This amazing series covers everything about your golf game, and I mean everything. I highly recommend.”


“This is an exciting new way to improve your golf game. Now anyone can get PGA Professional training--at home--on a budget. Very cool!”


“The content is amazing. The way you are presenting it is also really solid.”


“I can honestly say there is no other golf-training program like it in the world!!”


“It has been a wonderful experience training the mind, body & swing.”


“As a fairly athletic person who has only sporadically played golf, these lessons made total sense to me.”


“Love working thru the 60-Day Program. Learning how to move the body before dealing with the hands/arms/club - brilliant!! That day 8 video was an amazing validation of the movement training process.”

Instructor Program

“I can’t express to you how much I am enjoying the program. So very well put together. Looking forward to starting to teach golf this way. Thanks so much.”


“I have been a Class A PGA professional since 2000, and this is such a unique approach to studying the movements, pressure, speed, power and control of all the greatest athletes, not only in golf but in all sports. It is revolutionary and I think every Instructor, coach and player will benefit from it."


“The essence is to train in a way that you can swing a club and play golf without thought, moving energy forward. There is no freedom in formulas. It's not a quick fix but a way to become aware of critical distinctions that will permanently change your swing and entire game. Training is fun and can be done at home without the judgment of an outcome of a golf shot. I would highly recommend it for anyone serious about improving their body, mind and game.”


“Just want you all know how much you are helping and inspiring... I am sooooo happy with the love, dedication and knowledge you are making available for myself and others to embody. I wish you all a fab day and the best of every-dang-thang!! Or in more regular words Namaste.”


“There is no word or words to describe how much it can change every aspect of The Game of Golf. I have been looking for a system to become a Certified Golf Teacher, yet, I always approached golf teaching certification schools with tongue in cheek. They do not provide the answer for golf teachers, they offered nothing to set me apart from every other teacher. How could I build a business using their systems and provide clients a unique approach to Mind, Body and Golf Swing, not just another golf teacher with a different take on the golf swing. started learning to play golf in 1941, yet, even then, as a young boy, I felt something was missing. The big difference is that kids are the best at mimicking. For me, it was Ben Hogan. 75 years later there is still something missing until now. I'm not sure I would have continued pursuing my lifelong dream, I've never been more excited. The opportunity is overwhelming. Thanks! The clients (golfers) see it, the cost to play the game and the cost of lessons with little results is a death sentence. You see it everywhere you look After 75 years playing golf I feel compromised. You have opened the door.. Thank you! Respectfully, John N.


“If we follow the program in sequential order we build the correct muscles and the correct firing patterns for the muscles to support the golf swing. I am on board 1000% with Tathata Training. Tathata Golf is a common sense way to move from A to B...”


”Wow! Getting into the fifth day and I can see why you were doing research on TPI professionals...the body swing connection completely coincides with your curriculum! This is brilliant, the movement breakdown is fantastic!"


“Congratulations!! You all have done such a great job. Thank you for all you have done, not only for myself, but more importantly for the game. The training you have provided is, in my opinion, the best I have experienced to date. I wish you all my best.”


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