Fixing Misses

Slice & Pull

Airplane Arms Finish

AIRPLANE ARMS FINISH (2:58) Did you know, a simple change to your finish position can help to eliminate your slice?

Aligning The Feet

ALIGNING THE FEET (2:17) How you set the feet can have a big influence on your swing path through impact.

Back Foot Dropped Back

BACK FOOT DROPPED BACK (5:15) The amount your shoulders and hips are turned in the backswing and downswing has a

Banking Back Foot

BANKING BACK FOOT (2:56) The way you come through impact has a big impact on the path of your club.

Clubface After Impact

CLUBFACE AFTER IMPACT (2:08) As important as it is to make sure your cluface isn’t open on the backswing or

Clubface Open

CLUBFACE OPEN (5:33) An open club face in the backswing or downswing is an instant recipe for a slice. In

Downswing Body Open

DOWNSWING BODY OPEN (5:05) One of the biggest unknowns for slicers is how much their open body is causing the

Downswing Clubface Square

DOWNSWING CLUBFACE SQUARE (4:50) As Amy mentions, this is one of the best places to start when fixing your slice.

Downswing Shaft In

DOWNSWING SHAFT IN (3:15) One of the biggest issues and best places to fix in your swing is the angle

AIRPLANE ARMS FINISH (2:58) Did you know, a simple change to your finish position can help to eliminate your slice?

ALIGNING THE FEET (2:17) How you set the feet can have a big influence on your swing path through impact.

BACK FOOT DROPPED BACK (5:15) The amount your shoulders and hips are turned in the backswing and downswing has a

BANKING BACK FOOT (2:56) The way you come through impact has a big impact on the path of your club.

CLUBFACE AFTER IMPACT (2:08) As important as it is to make sure your cluface isn’t open on the backswing or

CLUBFACE OPEN (5:33) An open club face in the backswing or downswing is an instant recipe for a slice. In

DOWNSWING BODY OPEN (5:05) One of the biggest unknowns for slicers is how much their open body is causing the

DOWNSWING CLUBFACE SQUARE (4:50) As Amy mentions, this is one of the best places to start when fixing your slice.

DOWNSWING SHAFT IN (3:15) One of the biggest issues and best places to fix in your swing is the angle